
General Hearing Services (GHS), a division of GVS, offers affordable hearing devices and services designed to provide maximum value at minimum cost. In fact, members can receive a no-cost comprehensive hearing evaluation in addition to our significant savings on hearing devices. The GHS provider network, powered by EPIC, combines over 6,000 participating locations nationwide, making it easy for you to find a state certified licensed audiologist or ENT physician near you. With EPIC, you get access to the largest and strongest provider network in the country.

GHS carries the latest technologically advanced hearing devices including, but not limited to, models from top-tier brands such as Phonak, Starkey, Unitron, Siemens and Oticon. Members can receive a fully covered hearing device, or enjoy savings of up to 50% off Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Pricing (MSRP) on devices outside of their covered schedule. All types of hearing solutions are available—from behind-the-ear, to in-the-ear, to in-the-canal, to completely-in-the-canal options. Our hearing counselors and doctors can help you decide which option is the best for you.

People lose around $1,000 income for every 10% increase in hearing loss.

Untreated hearing loss can lead to conditions such as depression, reduced job performance, and diminished overall health.

1 in 6 people have diagnosed hearing loss.

Don’t have a comprehensive hearing plan? That’s ok, call to access our national discount hearing program at 800.480.0558 and ask for the GHS Discount Code.

GHS counselors are available weekdays from 9:00am–5:00pm EST. Contact us to conveniently find a provider and get started.




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